After presenting his latest album “Coeur Bohème” to the press on Tuesday, 25 February in Yaounde, Georges Minyem, singer and guitarist, will be on the dance floor of Bois d’Ebène cabaret in Elig-Essono this Friday, 28 February. The artist will not only entertain the public with the contents of his new opus “Coeur Bohème”, but he will equally kiss back at songs that made him popular such as “Le Solidaire”. Georges Minyem is announced on stage at 8pm.
Le festival des grillades draine du monde depuis le 2 juillet dernier au palais des sports de Yaoundé. Entre l’art culinaire qui s’expose,...
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It is holiday and Katio’s night club has adjusted its entertainment menu to suit both the young and the old. From Wednesday to Friday, disc jockeys (DJ...
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Didier Drogba, futur président de la Fédération ivoirienne de Football ? Sur le papier, l’idée a quelque chose de sexy, d&r...
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